Believe and Achieve for 2018

Happy New Year!

As the new year begins, we take time to reflect over the past year and begin to plan for the upcoming twelve months. Taking control of your future ultimately means setting goals and taking the proper steps in order to see them flourish. In order for one to achieve these goals, we have to first start with the most important step ...having faith in yourself! Initially, we need to have faith in the man upstairs, but ultimately we have to trust and have faith in ourselves.

Why is faith important when setting your upcoming goals for this new year?

Well let me break it down for you. If we don't have faith in ourselves then we won't have the determination nor drive we need in order to succeed. If we don't put faith in ourselves then any barrier, redirection, or a door closed in our face will break us down. It will deter us from our initial route because we will give up too quickly what we set out to accomplish, but ultimately we'll give up on ourselves. If we don't have mountain moving faith in ourselves that we will achieve the goals that we have set then simply put ...we won't.

We put our faith in God. We put our faith in others. We put our faith in technology. We put our faith in all these things, so why not put faith into ourselves. This upcoming year I challenge you to do just that. Have faith in yourself. Whether that be in your vision to travel the world or to come up with a new innovative business plan. Believe in yourself and you can make it happen.

This five letter word has an incredible amount of power associated with it ...IF you just activate it. In order to activate our faith there are a few DO's and DON'Ts that one should follow in order to fully optimize all of its potential.

DO. Take control of your mind. It begins with you. Make sure that you know what you want before trying to execute a plan (although plans can change, you need a solid foundation to start on). Meditate on the things you see yourself doing and visualize yourself doing them. Make sure your mind is at peace with these things.

DON'T. Let others tell you what you can & can't do. The biggest mistake you can make is allowing someone else to tell you what is and is not achievable. If you believe you can do it, forget what everyone else has to say and do it. No one knows you, like you. You have to see yourself through your own eyes and through your own vision - not through the perspective of someone else.

DO. Start speaking things into existence. You can't go through life speaking negatively on situations and expect them to prosper. Speak what you believe will happen and then go make it so. Life and death is in the power of the tongue, so be cautious of the things you say for they become your actions.

DON'T. Give up on yourself. If we're being honest, it's so much easier to throw in the towel when life gets hard ...but don't! You continue to support your favorite sports team after they take a L, so why wouldn't you continue to support yourself after you take a few L's? Don't give up and I promise it'll be worth it in the long run.

2018 has the potential to be your best year yet. Stop putting off your plans for tomorrow and make them happen today. Last year wasn't your year because you gave up too easily on your dreams. Believe you can achieve it. Speak it. Have faith in yourself. & make it happen!
