Farewell February...

Farewell to February. Farewell to Black History Month. Farewell to the shortest month ever ...Is it just me or does February move at an exceptional pace every year (thinky face emoji) - whereas January seems to last a whole year. Nevertheless, February has come and gone once again and it leaves me to question what I have accomplished thus far in 2019.

Personally I haven't accomplished SHIT!

I guess I'm here writing this blog to feel like I'm accomplishing something, when in actuality I'm just longing for a sense of accomplishment. At the beginning of the month, I started off saying I was going to do this and finish that - but now here we are at the end of the month and I haven't even started on my to-do list.

It's easy to throw in the towel and say I'll try again in 2020, but why give up so easy? Why let the whole year go to waste just for a couple of unproductive months? YOU SHOULDN'T! You can start fresh today. You can start fresh tomorrow when you failed to start yesterday. You can start fresh this very moment. There's no itinerary for the starting line. There's no one to tell you when you can and can't start. You just have to start!

I hope that entering this next month you begin to be productive if you haven't been and once you start BE CONSISTENT! Don't let up off their necks, sis!

Continue to make 2019 your hoe, and smash your goals!
