2020 Clear Vision

Happy New Year! Wow, it's been a whole year since my last blog post, which would have been my last if I wasn't reminiscing earlier and happen to stumble onto my page. Each year I set out to write a motivational/reflective blog post to inspire the masses and to win them over to read my blog, that was eventually put on the back burner after the "new year, new Bri" had wore off. 

Since 2017 I've written a blog at the start of each year and decided to continue my tradition today. It's amazing how you can see the growth or lack thereof whenever you have something to compare it to. Each year I've told myself that I was going to do better on my blogging and each year I've failed. 
I've finally found the reason why...LACK OF VISION. 

Now, let me set some things straight. This is not me committing to blogging more in 2020. I've found that my passion is fitness which is what I will be dedicating my time to. However, as they say everything should be looked at as a learning experience so over the next few minutes we will dive into what I've learned over the past few years. 

Since we've cleared that up, back to the matter at hand...

Me and my lack of vision.

Vision. What is it? According to my Google search that I did to acquire this picture ...

here's what I came up with,

Creating a vision is looking into the future and seeing the invisible.

Looking over the years, I've always talked about how you should come up with a vision: write down your goals, make a plan, then make it happen - each year I failed to do so. My biggest mistake is that I didn't thoroughly develop my vision. I would come up with something and instantly act on my first impulse, I didn't allow time for it to evolve into something bigger than just a thought. Throughout 2019, not only did I learn what my vision was, but God reaffirmed it countless times in sermons, through the scriptures, and even post I would scroll past on Instagram.

Patience is what I learned all 2019. Society has developed a "microwave" society where people expect things to happen instantly, but the reality of it ...it doesn't. Don't rush the process. Just because you have found what you're passionate about, doesn't mean that it's your time to glow up, you have to put in the work first. 

Developing your vision takes more than just saying it out loud. Your vision has to surpass just seeing it in the invisible, now, you must develop a plan to bring it into the physical. What are the necessary steps that you have to implement in order to shape your future? 

Take the time to educate yourself in the field that you are trying to embark on. Learn from others that have done what you are trying to achieve. Don't be so prideful that you feel you can't learn from others' mistakes and accomplishments. Take a class. Sign up for the sermon. Read the freaking book already! Stop being lazy and expecting it to just happen ...make it happen!

Once you learn what goals you wish to accomplish - you need to then execute them. Don't just plan and plan forever, actually do what you said you were going to do. There's nothing worse than someone who talks a lot of shit, but never makes shit happen. Just do it. Make short term and long term goals and get started. Whether you take your first step and sink at least you took it. But hey, you might just float. You will either learn from it or grow from it, but first you have to do it.

Cheers to 2020! May this year be full of prosperity and joy. I pray this year is the year your vision becomes reality. May you fearlessly chase your heart's desires. This has the potential to be the best year of your life. May you be prepared for where God is about to take you. 

Stay humble and apply pressure.


P.S. Look out for my eBook dropping January 20th!

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