To my beautiful followers:
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me and my blog. I definitely know that I'm not the most organized or most timely person when it comes to my blog post, but you all stick with me anyways so thanks for sticking around! I've been in search of some inspiration to motivate me to write my next blog post, but honestly I haven't found anything that I feel passionate enough to write about so I've just been stagnant with posting. I'm currently trying to balance working two jobs and an internship. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are people out there who are doing way more than me and still finding time to achieve everything that they want ...but hey, I'm getting there. I've been struggling squeeze in a decent workout, maintaining a healthy diet (which by the way is a joke), and devoting whatever time I have left over to catch some z's. I'm not writing this post to say that I'm back and I'm better ...I'm writing this post to say that I'm trying.
I've recently found myself holding myself to unrealistic standards. As many people in the black community, we have a problem admitting when something is wrong. As black women we set these high expectations of being the backbone of the family and having the strength of an immeasurable amount, but if we're being honest with ourselves ...shit gets hard. Life isn't always cookie cutter crisp, it's actually the complete opposite. I've found myself trying and struggling to do everything on my own and be a "grown up" who doesn't ask for help, but for what? We were given parents for our lifetime journey on this Earth. We were blessed with family to give us the extra support we may need along the way. Finally, we have chosen our friends to be our extended family to comfort us in our decisions - whether they be right or wrong. But I'm saying all this to say - it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to ask for help when we need it. It's okay to take some time to ourselves to get ourselves back together.
I guess I'm trying to say thanks. Thanks to my family and friends for always being on demand when I need them. This past month I may not have checked in with you all or talked to you as much as I usually do, but just know your presence is felt with every decision I make. Thanks for not always asking what's wrong, but always knowing exactly what to say.
For all the people that hold me accountable to keep my blog going, thank you. There's been plenty of times that I've wanted to just delete the whole thing, but then the next day someone will ask when my next post is coming and for that I want to say thanks! I may not be the best writer or have the most interesting topics, but I'll continue to do my best.
Thanks for being patient, I'm trying. I'm going to turn my trying into actual doing. I've got a lot of things in my mind that I can't wait to come to fruition, but I do ask that you be patient with me. What's the old saying? Umm ..all good things come to those who wait? Yeah, that fits what I'm trying to say lol.
But really ...thanks guys, yall are the best! Keep up with me on Instagram, somehow I never have time, but always have time to post to my story. So look out for ya girl ...We're only 3 months in, I've got a whole year to turn it around.
- Breology101
Love you and great words. You tend to get me thinking about things that have happened and the things that are happening in your life. You and your sister did not stay you left. Took off to lands far and lands farther away. I love that from you two, the unknown has not slowed you down. Great that you have moved from that comfort zone and took off to uncharted waters. Talk soon. You did what your Granny Cooper did, just went for it. Much love for doing it.