As the new year swiftly approaches we begin to reflect over 2017: the good, the bad, and the ugly. We all know that with a new year, comes new resolutions. It's time to start meal prepping for 2018 ...not really, but you know metaphorically. In order to be successful in 2018 we need to determine what did and didn't work out for us over this past year. Although I'll never have it figured all out, I think I've got a solid foundation to base my new goals on for this upcoming year:
Love yourself.
Your mind, body, and soul are thirsting for some attention. Start a reading list to keep your mind healthy (note to self: actually read the books on the list in 2018 and not just the list). Find an outlet for when you need an escape. I've found that working out and music have been my go to's this year and hope to carry that over into the new year. Spend some time away from social media, away from all the things that consume copious amounts of your time, and take some time to yourself.
Support yourself.
You are your biggest supporter. If no one else is rocking with you, you've got you. Encourage yourself that what you are doing is exactly for you. Speak life. You've got an idea you have yet to manifest? Stop holding yourself back, make it happen! Tell yourself you can do it and do it. Go as hard for yourself as you do for others. Promote yourself or no one else will.
Support your friends.
Don't call someone your friend if you aren't going to be there for them. Whether it be helping them get their business off the ground, encouraging them to do their best, or simply supporting them emotionally. Be there when they call, help them up while they hold you up. We all need someone.
Stop worrying about what's not yours.
I can't tell you how much time I wasted this year worrying about a nigga that was not mine. 2018 I'm reclaiming my time. All that time that I've invested into others, could've been invested into something more important ...ME!
Be patient.
Not everyone's come up looks the same even if we try to follow someone else's footsteps, there's no guarantee when our time will come. Don't rush it. Just learn more while in the waiting process.
I've learned this year that some of the things I put myself through could have been avoided had I just listened when someone was trying to teach me a lesson. Therefore I wanted to use this opportunity to ask my friends what they learned from 2017 to see if maybe I can benefit from their lessons it in the upcoming year... Some of the advice I was given is:
Sometimes things in life don't go as planned, but just go with the flow. Be patient and make the most out of every situation because eventually things get better. - @danesha_x3
God said that He would never leave us nor forsake us, and if we stay steadfast, unmovable, and abide in Him even during our toughest times. I now know God is going to get me thru my hardest battles. Also, refrain from getting lost in the sauce. - @mobayy
This year has all the potential to be your best year, but you have to make it happen. You don't have to wait until the new year to start, you can start today! Set some goals and smash them hoes! If you need some help setting goals, check out my blog post from last year New Year, New Me: How to Change for the Best in 2017 . I'll be back closer to the new year with another blog post, so keep an eye out!Be mindful of the friends you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with likeminded people because that's who is feeding into you. Be honest in all relationships. Don't be afraid to take a risk, because at the end of the of the day it will either pay off or you'll learn a lesson. - @_aricamarie
Yours Truly,
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