Spring Break 2017!

Happy Spring Break 2017! As spring breakers roll into Miami I get to reflect on my previous spring break trips. I now get to view it from the other side, the life of a graduate and let me just tell you ... it's not all it's cracked up to be. I remember the excitement I used to have after completing my last mid term right before break. Instead I get to be relieved from work for a few days, but trust me my off days are just as exciting. Whether you're celebrating a week off from school or taking a break from 'adulting' there are a few tips you must remember before embarking on this great journey!

Travel Plans. Make sure that you have everything set in stone before departing for your trip. Before going anywhere make sure you pack your ID. If you're going out of the country make sure that you've grabbed your passport and boarding pass to save you some trouble before taking flight. Next, have you packed all of the essential items that you need? Personal care products, vision products (contacts, glasses, etc.), makeup, shoes to wear while in the hotel. Although these seem like items you shouldn't forget, these are actually some of the most commonly forgotten items. Now that you're all ready make sure that you have a set schedule for when you should leave. If you're driving, ensure that you plan out bathroom trips and food breaks ...the best to your ability as we all know that these tend to alter. If you are flying, make sure that you arrive at the airport with plenty of wiggle room time - the suggested time is 2 hours before your departing time. However, if you haven't gone to the airport that you are departing from try to go even earlier than that just in case you have a hard time maneuvering around.

Explore New Things. Now that you have made it to your destination, what are you going to do? If you haven't gone to the destination that you've just arrived at, hit up all of the tourist spots. However, don't neglect to ask some locals about their favorite events, places to go, or restaurants to eat at in their city. Since living in Miami I've realized that there is so much more to be seen in this city that someone who is visiting might never get to experience, just because it's not the "typical" thing to do. So make sure that you do things that you've tried before, but don't be afraid to step outside the box to try something new!

"What Happens on Spring Break Stays On Spring Break..." This statement has been used for countless vacations taken where people can't predict what will happen, but want to make sure that they have a "hall pass" for whatever might happen. This phrase gives a sense of liberation, that whatever you do while you're gone won't follow you back if you don't want it to. However, don't get caught up in all that freedom because you have to remember that life goes on. No matter how long the vacation or trip may be, you always have to return to you're regular life. So make sure that you don't get too caught up in the hype that you acquire something from your break that you can't leave behind.

So I hope that this spring break season and season of travel bring lots of relaxation and memories to last a lifetime! Comment below & let me know where you're traveling to.

