Happy March!

Happy March! Today marks the first day of the third month of 2017. Mannnn where has the time gone?! Seems like yesterday was just January 1st. How are your goals coming along? Have you started to mold into the new you? If not that's okay, it's never too late to start. But if you have what are the next goals you have set for yourself? If you're religious then you might be preparing to stretch your faith a little for the next 40 days by participating in lent. Lent is a tradition that involves fasting, prayer and devotion, and most importantly ...self denial. Self denial is one of the hardest task to overcome. If you are participating in lent or have a desire to give up a habit, here are some steps that work best for me and might help you on this journey:

Pray. During this time you will find that it takes a lot to resist your flesh on your own. However, you can always talk to God about it. While I went through my fast at the beginning of the year I found that I had been basically reciting daily prayers, but when times got hard that's when actually started having conversations with God. Before you know it, you'll find yourself growing more intimate and deeper in love with Him through constant prayer.

Accountability partner. When I was going through my fast at the beginning of the year, it was always reassuring when I could call Whitney, my old college roommate, to know that she would encourage me. She helped keep me on track - just knowing someone is going through the same thing as you provides more motivation to continue your journey.

Find a healthier alternative. While you're doing your fast decide how you will calm your urge or desire. For instance, if you're giving up social media - try reading the Bible every time that you want to go scroll through your apps. Or if you're giving up sweets - grab a fruit so settle your sweet tooth. Keep your mind on getting through each day, rather than the full duration of how long you have left. Fasting is hard, trust me I know. But not impossible. Believe you can and you will.

With God nothing is impossible. - Luke 1:37 

Comment below what you're fasting from.


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