Dear younger self,
If you were to read this you probably won't think that it derived from within yourself. You won't think that you've matured into someone who would say some of these things. You might think that it sounds cliche or that all of these things don't necessarily apply to you, but I promise you they do. I'm super proud of everything you've done thus far in life, but you can always be and do better. Here's a few things that I'd like you to know...
First and foremost: LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS! I know it seems like you know it all right now, but I promise you don't! It may seem as if they just want to stop you from having fun, but they definitely have your best interest in their heart with every decision they make for you. Don't forget that they are human: they make mistakes and have feelings just like you. Just because they are older than you doesn't mean they have life figured out - they are still learning too, but will always know more than you. Pay attention to the advice that your parents give. I know that it may get a little repetitive sometimes, but there's some life lessons you can use later in life.
Make the most of your youth. There have been countless conversations that have been started by, "Do you remember back in the day when..." so take your time growing up because you're making memories for the future. No need to rush into things, when the time is right things will come to you. Enjoy your innocence, don't let this world corrupt you. People will offer you things, but keep your 'no' strong and don't worry about what people think. After a while they will stop offering and start to respect your decision.
Always be true to you. I know that it's hard when there's your friends, family, and the media constantly influencing your life but listen to me...YOU have the power. You can be whoever you want to be. The only things you have to do is trust God, put in the hard work now, and believe in yourself. Don't let others stand in the way of going after what you want to be. As you will learn, with God all things are possible - nothing in life is impossible, the word alone says 'I'm possible'.
Never let anyone dim your light. Love yourself unapologetically. There will be days when you don't love yourself or doubt yourself, but don't. Always be genuine. Remain true and authentic. Just know that you are beautiful and God made you to be just that ...YOU! You are enough and anyone who says otherwise doesn't deserve to be around you. Don't let words make you hard, keep smiling in the face of your enemies.
Learn from others. If someone tells you something that relates to your situation, soak it in like a sponge. Communicate with people outside of your friend group. Listen to their stories, learn from their experiences. The world is full of beautiful souls: embrace them, love them, inspire them. With that being said, I asked some of my friends to let me know what they would tell their younger self, because sometimes you learn more when you hear it from others so here you go:
"Trust the process. Don't rush life or things." - @_Mobayy
"Don't stress too much." - @xoXO_danesha
"Do more discipline oriented activities and don't give up piano" - @Eazy_Ran
"Don't be afraid to try anything within your moral capacity once. Fall in love, get your heart broken and then fall in love again ...don't be afraid of that, it's a good thing." -@SocietyyFlyy
"Don't waste so much time on temporary people, especially those who aren't going to be relevant in my future." -@KayGeeTimes3
"Don't ever let a man make you think or feel less than. There is someone out there who wants more than your flesh. Be patient. Never lose yourself. Self love is the best love." - @_paypuhhMaShae
"Be patient but more decisive. Most importantly know when to put yourself first." -@KalligrAphY_13
"The key to being the best you possible is conquering social agree-ability. Happiness is 100% internal. There's real trans-formative strengths in taking the vulnerable route although it can be somewhat lonely. Common minds meet eventually but this generation of friendships are missing true leadership and genuine love." -@JarnellStokes
Above all: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all those ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
Love Always,
Your Older Wiser Self
*Comment below one thing you would tell your younger self. *
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