Light. Uh-huh, is it time? It's been about a week since my last post and as Big Sean let's us know at the beginning of his next song, I think it's time. Light. Within this song we see Big Sean trying to let his light shine despite all the adversity and discrimination going on around him. Throughout all this we are reminded that they can't take away the light that we all hold within us.
Look, I spent my whole life tryna improvise
I'm not saying that shit for you to sympathize
Recently I moved to the big city of Miami and let me just say... this fist line hit the nail on the head! I have never been so unprepared for anything in life, than when I first touched down in the city. I didn't know how much preparation it really took to move over 700 miles away. From the end of October until around beginning of January, I had been improvising every move I made. I literally moved to Miami with no job, no family or friends. The only certain thing I had was faith in God, supportive family and friends, and a diminishing bank account. Those first few months were by far the hardest, most stressful, and emotionally unstable time in my life. I'm not saying that shit for you to sympathize. Why? Because now that I'm somewhat stable, have a job that I enjoy going to, and have started to maneuver my way around the city ...I absolutely love it!
Spent my whole life tryna find the light that's at the end of the tunnel
I should have realized it was inside
So lately I been tryna get what's inside, outside.
My whole life I've been looking for my purpose, Honestly, this is how this blog came about anyways. I don't know where God wants me to be or how He wants to use me in this thing called life. But I've learned recently ...over the past week, that expressing myself and letting my light shine through whatever outlets I'm exposed to is at least a start. I've always enjoyed expressing myself through social media outlets. Since MySpace days I can remember always taking so much pride in how my page looked, how unique I could make my page look ... I basically could've been a graphic designer at the whole age of 12. How do you let your light shine? Some express it through fashion, others through music, but each person is different.
So when they take the fame, take the crib, take our cars
Now we gotta take the train, and hood niggas takin chains
Slave master take our names, 5-0 take the shot
And young souls take the blame, man but they can't take away
The light
Big Sean takes time to speak on the reality of being black in America. To be black in America is a challenge to say the least. "They" want us to: conform to the ways of their society but don't hold us as equals, to be black but not too black, to have pride in our race but not too much pride. "They" tell us that we aren't welcome here, yet we were brought here. The police brutality he touches on didn't start when the #BlackLivesMatter campaign started, but it brought more awareness that each life they take matters. We're not saying that black lives matter more than anyone else's ...we just want those who don't comprehend to realize that BLACK LIVES MATTER. That's it. We matter. Despite how much "they" try to tear us down, black culture always has and always will thrive. We were made to be strong. We've realized that the light within us can't be taken away, but will only grow brighter.
No matter how much they gon' shade you
No, man they can't fuck with the light
They can't stop the shine
They can't fuck with the light
Hell nah the boy's that bright
As we've all experienced ... there's always going to be haters throwing shade at you. The problem isn't haters however, it's how we deal with them. We can let them tear us down with their opinions and negativity, or we can counter what they say and turn it into something positive. No matter what life throws at you, don't let it take your shine, your smile, or that sparkle that makes you stand out from everyone else.
Even if you take away my life, you can't take the light
No matter how much they gon' shade you.
We all have been born onto this Earth for some special reason. Every person that we come in contact with is an opportunity to let our little light shine. Take a second and look at your thumbprint, we've all heard that no one else on this Earth has the same print as you. Just like you have your own unique identity for your DNA, you have your own light that no one else will ever be able to duplicate. "They" don't want to see you shine. "They" don't want you to be great. BUT don't ever let "they" stop you from being the light that this dark world so desperately needs. I know that life gets hard sometimes, but don't let that stop you from waking up every day with a smile on your face. How will you let your light shine today?
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