Cut It Out!

Wessup yall?! It's ya girl Breology. Ya favorite subject coming to you live from the 305. Haha, well maybe not live, but it rhymed so let me be great.

Recently I've been practicing the art of cutting people off. Yes, I did say the art. Cutting people off is a craft that takes years to master. From my experience you can't simply just cut a nigga off. I mean I guess you can, but I haven't elevated to this level yet - so keep me in your prayers because that's the level of savagery that I aspire to reach. However I'm finally starting to develop my craft and I must say I'm pretty pleased.

If you keep up with my blogs then you know a couple post back I declared to no longer be subject to these selfish niggas, but to embrace the queen within me and to take back my power. So with this being said I no longer desire relationships that are stagnant, detrimental to my growth, or just all around irrelevant to my life. And honey let me tell you's one of the best investments in myself that I have made all year.

I've found myself opening DMs and not feeling obligated to talk to niggas just to stroke their egos. I've found the liberty in leaving a nigga on read after realizing that maybe giving him my number at the club the night before wasn't the best idea. I've even found myself ignoring people who at one point in my life I thought would be there forever.

Cutting people off is just the beginning. To say that this is changing my perspective on life would be an understatement. I've not only been applying this to people, but slowly incorporating it into various areas in my life.

So how do you know when it's time to cut some things out?

1. When it brings nothing but bad vibes.
2. When you are giving more than you are receiving.
3. When it stops you from achieving your goals.

When you find someone or something in your life that no longer serves its purpose you need to get rid of it. Whether that be a relationship, friendship, unhealthy habits, or even ya dead ends. CUT IT OUT.

Holding on to dead weight does nothing but hinder you from growth and new opportunities.

Redeem back your time. Use it for something that will be more beneficial to you. Water your grass and watch it grow.

Yours truly,



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