Dear Mama...

Happy Mother's Day! On this day we celebrate mothers, all across America there will be acts of love and gratitude for all of the things they so graciously do for us on a daily basis. So on this day and every day I would like to say thank you for sacrificing your bodies to give us life. For picking us up when we have fallen, dusting us off, and sending us back on our way. Thank you for putting your needs second to your children's needs. Thank you for being mothers. 

Here's a special note to my mother:

Dear Mama,

I would like to say thank you... For embracing motherhood so beautifully and perfecting the craft so delicately. For the countless sacrifices you've made for me throughout the years.Thank you for taking me to church and introducing me to Christ. Although I didn't appreciate it at a young age, thank you for loving me enough to set boundaries but wise enough to allow me room to still have fun and grow into myself. Thanks for accepting me and all of my mood swings over the years. For constantly speaking life into me. At every obstacle you encouraged me to do my best, thank you. Thanks for always being in my corner offering words of encouragement, support, and correction when needed. Thank you for the time we've spent together and all the years you've invested in me. For showing me unconditional love, I am forever grateful. I could never repay you in a thousand years, but I want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for loving me and for being my mother. I pray that you never lose that beautiful smile. I pray that your heart for others never fades. But most of all I pray that God restores all of the love and joy that you have effortlessly poured into not only me and my sister, but into every person you come in contact with. Thank you for being you. 

Love always,

Your daughter


  1. Beautiful....thank you so much. I'm blessed
    To be your Mama

  2. Awesome job . Like to say you took the words out of my mouth. Even though my mothers are no longer with us, I feel the same way towards my Mom. Thanks for this. Love you


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