Today marks the 9th day of February making it the 40th day of the new year. As I reflect back over the past forty days I wonder where I am in reaching my goals for the new year. My first goal that I wanted to check off for the year was to complete my twenty-one day fast to start my year off right. You know what I did? I finished it! My fast this year was composed of a 16 hour eating fast that started at 12 am and lasted until 4pm everyday. I decided to take it a step further and cut chicken out of my diet as well, along with social media. Why chicken? Well, honestly I have an obsession with chicken and truly felt that I would never be able to go without chicken in my diet. I gave up social media because I had realized that I was putting it before God: before praying in the morning, before reading my Bible, it became the last thing I did at night opposed to saying my nighttime prayers. I had literally become consumed with social media. This is the first year that I've successfully completed my beginning of the year fast and I must say that I am beyond proud of myself and can't wait to see what other goals I check off my list for 2017. Now I want you to take a second and remember what you set out for yourself this year...
Have you checked off the first thing on your list and on your way to completing your next step?
Are you still determined to ensure that this year is the best year yet?
If you answered no to either question, what are you waiting for? You don't have to wait until next year to set new goals, you can start TODAY!
My next goal that I set for myself was to create a blog. I've always wanted to make one, but never knew what I wanted to talk about. Today, I set a goal to start my blog...HERE IT IS! Yesterday I had an epiphany on what topics I would cover. The rest of the year I will be posting at least one blog a week. I hope you join me on my journey to making 2017 my best year yet.
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